Buyer and Sellers

This is the page that explains the Buyers and Sellers activities that NGM is involved in.

It will cover the order of events and what triggers them.

You can see the fees we charge for supporting the proprty transfer process.

Please remember that:

  • We do not track your sales process, that is between the sellers, buyers and their solicitors. We contribute documents at the appropriate stage.
  • We do not chase solicitors for payments, it is their responsibility to reach out to us.  So for instance, informing us that you are about to sell is useful to us, but the solicitor must get in touch via e-mail.
  • All communications by e-mail please. It gives us a record and enables more than 1 person to deal with queries.
  • All payments should be electronic please. The property number must be in the Reference so we can allocate it properly.
  • We must always have an active Member for each property. The Deed of Covenant signed when buying the property makes it the Members legal resonsibility to transfer that obligation, it is not for us to chase down the buyers solicitor. We rarely know when the exchange has happened.
  • It seems to take several months for the Buyer’s solicitor to get in touch with us. Until a new Member is registered and the Certificate of Compliance issued, the previous property owner is still the Member.

If you are not sure about something you can always e-mail us.

There is a process we follow from the initial exchange of information between sellers and buyers, through to the Certificate of Compliance and Members registration process that enables the buyers to register the property with Land Registry.

We try and make the interaction with us as stress free as possible, but please remember we are volunteers not professionals!

You can download the process by clicking the download button.

Buyers and Sellers process
Buyers and Sellers process

The diagram that show the work flow for the property sales process. It will show the order of events and what NGM provides at each stage.

There are charges for the buyers and sellers process as you would expect. Download this document for explanation of the fees and when they are applicable.

Newcroft Gardens Fees
Newcroft Gardens Fees

This file shows the fees we charge and when the are applicable.  Explains what the Buyers and Sellers need to pay and when the payment is due.

The total charged by NGM for a normal sale is currently £320 but this is reviewed annually.